Classes for members to enhance skills and increase confidence

Sparring sessions are designed to develop skills outside of our usual kickboxing and MMA classes, with the opportunity to gain exposure to competing in a safe, controlled and supportive space.

Standard classes

Held on Thursday evenings and open to anyone interested in competitive sparring.

When you feel ready, challenge other members in our ‘Headband Battles’ event after class, where you have the opportunity to spar in our MMA cage!

Invite-only sessions

Held on Tuesday evenings and offered to members displaying great discipline and control in other classes.

Sessions are TOUCH sparring only and you must remain kind and courteous to your opponent at all times.

Things you should know

Coaches decide who you can spar with by matching your abilities and skills.

The gym is fully equipped for sparring practice and protective equipment is available to purchase if required.

For all sessions, you must wear protective gear - a mouth guard is essential!

Enjoy it

Our aim is for you to enjoy practicing your sport in a safe and inclusive environment.

You will have the opportunity to spar with other members who you may not have worked with before, and even the coaches!

Most of all, we love encouraging you and seeing your progress, so it’s a great opportunity to showcase your skills regularly outside of gradings and competitions.


We pride ourselves on the sparring facilities we offer, take a look around before you attend.

What our members
think of us…

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